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Coruba Original Barrel Aged Rum 1 Litre

Coruba Original is a full bodied rum with a robust flavour and hints of spices. It has a smooth, mellow finish accompanied with the aroma's and flavours of molasses, cocoa and caramel.

De Kuyper Advocaat 700ml

A creamy yellow liqueur made from a rich blend of eggyolks, sugar, brandy and a touch of vanilla.

De Kuyper Apple Schnapps 700ml

De Kuyper Apple Schnapps is carefully created with flavours from fresh fruit sourced from around the world to deliver to you the authentic taste of sweet, crisp red apples.

De Kuyper Blue Curaçao Liqueur 500ml

De Kuyper Blue Curacao Liqueur is made from the Lahara fruit, famous for its distinctive flavour. Vibrant blue in colour, flavours of oranges, lemon and curacao fruit are blended to compose this extremely versatile liqueur, making it the perfect addition to many cocktails.

De Kuyper Butterscotch Schnapps 700ml

If you like the sweeter things in life, Butterscotch Schnapps is a rich and velvety liqueur that will warm the cockles at the end of a wintery day. Can be enjoyed straight or can be used to make a number of delicious cocktails.

De Kuyper Cherry Brandy Liqueur 500ml

Extract from dark red cherries, subtly enhanced with exotic spices, blended with fine Brandy.

De Kuyper Crème de Cacao White Liqueur 500ml

A traditional clear sweet liqueur created using the finest cacao beans from Africa and vanilla from Madagascar to form a classic combination of sumptuous vanilla and chocolate flavours. De Kuyper Crème De Cacao White is chocolatey, rich and comforting, perfect for a Grasshopper cocktail or any cocktail that needs chocolatey flavours, but where a dark coloured liqueur would ruin the appearance.

De Kuyper Crème de Cassis Liqueur 500ml

De Kuyper originated in 1695 in Rotterdam, Netherlands and has developed over three centuries into a global player. In 1955 on it's 300th Anniversary and in recognition of three centuries of distilling excellence, De Kuyper was awarded the Dutch title 'Royal Distillers'.

De Kuyper Passionfruit Liqueur 700ml

De Kuyper originated in 1695 in Rotterdam, Netherlands and has developed over three centuries into a global player in the area of Liqueurs and Advocaat.

De Kuyper Peach Schnapps 700ml

Abundant aromas and flavours of peach in a fine Schnapps drink. Serve chilled for the best results. Best enjoyed in a 'Wet Cat' with vodka and cranberry.

De Kuyper Triple Sec Liqueur 500ml

The Triple Sec recipe dates back to the early 19th century and has been copied and altered ever since. De Kuyper also took a shot at the infamous cocktail seasoning, pronouncing the citrus and prolonging the taste. By distilling the dried peels of sweet and bitter oranges, and mixing the two flavours meticulously together, they came up with this one of a kind liqueur.

Dead Man's Fingers Spiced Rum 700ml

Where a blended rum meets exotic spices to create a unique and distinctive flavour profile. Those familiar with Saffron cake will certainly find a hint of that alongside notes of Pedro Ximénez Ice cream.
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